2012年10月13日 星期六




thread名詞縫衣服的線,例如; Please give me a piece of thread.

也可當動詞;穿(線等) ,例如;She threaded the needle for her grandmother.

yarn 紗、線、毛線long thick thread made, of cotton or wool used to knit or make cloth.





編織用的針:棒針knitting needles,一般常見的有單頭棒針;Single-pointed needles、及雙頭棒針double-pointed needlesdpn

編織用的針,還有輪針;circular needles 鉤針;crochet needles

織麻花所用的輔助工具─麻花針cable needlecn


下針;Knit stitch KnitK上針;purl stitch purlp扭針;Plaited stitch捲針;Elongated stitch、掛針yarn overyo玉針;bobble stitch。還有:

slip stitchslsl st,包括「滑針」與「浮針」。

the stitch is passed from the left needle to the right needle without being knitted. The yarn may

 be passed invisibly behind the slipped stitch or in front of the slipped stitch.

如果在織片的正面“sl-st wyib”;with yarn in back 是我們慣稱的滑針。而“sl-st wyif”;with yarn in front 則是我們慣稱的浮針。若在織片的反面則正好相反。

Dip stitchDsDip下降

A stitch made by knitting into a stitch (even the space between stitches) of an earlier row.

The most common type of dip stitch is increase the number of stitches (a lifted increase)

a lifted increase就是指「右加針」或「左加針」而言,假設是“ knitting into the space between stitches 那不就是扭加針嘍!“Dip stitch”另外還代表其他針法;以下的描述,似乎指的是「引上針」?

A dip stitch is usually made by knitting into a stitch a row or two down from the next stitch on  the needle. insert the needle into the stitch and row that you want and knit. Then slip the stitch off the needle as usual and let the stitches unravel down to the stitch that you've knitted into.

引上針knit into the stitch belowKBk-b。若是 K1B = knit into next stitch 2 rows below,織法如:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8KgeMUwj2E 

twist stitchresemble a one over one cable stitch。分 right twistRTLeft twistLTRT指左上交叉針,LT指右上交叉針。織法如:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS5HMe3GIYk,其進針的方向及編織方式,或許和一般認知不同,但效果是一樣的〈在youto多找幾個示範,會發現方式都不太相同,尤其LT



編織用線 Yarn 織り糸おりいと


棒針knitting needles棒針ばうばり

輪針circular needles輪針りんばり

鉤針crochet needles(hook)かぎばり

麻花針cable needlecnなわあみばり

下針Knit stitchKnitKおもて

上針purl stitchpurlp裏目うらめ

扭針Plaited stitchねじり目

捲針Elongated stitch巻き目まきめ

掛針yarn overyoかけ

玉針bobble stitch編みたまあみめ

Ps. 棒針的bobble stitch;通常有3針、5針兩種。

爆米花針popcorn stitchパプコーン編み目

       Ps. bobble stitch鉤針部分也有這種名稱,通常是3個中長針或長針合併。如果是5個合併,則稱popcorn

滑針slip stitchslsl stwyib〈正面〉 or wyif〈反面〉すべり目

浮針slip stitchslsl stwyib〈反面〉 or wyif〈正面〉浮き目

引上針knit into the stitch belowKBk-b上げあげ

交叉針twist stitch差編み目こうあみめ

右上1針交叉Left twistLT1みぎうえひとめこうさ

左上1針交叉right twistRT1目交差ひだりうえひとめこうさ

休目別針、活動別針Stitch holderほつれ止めほつれとめ

長鉤針Tunisian crochetAfghan crochetアフガソ
